Thursday, November 10, 2011

Put your hair on a SCHEDULE!!

Some people may say that I'm a little nutty when it comes to the well-being of my hair.  A few of them may be right.  AnyWho, I believe in having my hair on a schedule because its like a child; It does right when it acts right, and it acts right when its disciplined.  No I won't punish it by wearing a weave if it doesn't cooperate.  No it won't be on "time out" if it sheds a little.  But yes it will get a little more TLC if it starts to show out.  Because that's what we all crave, LOVE!!  *Hops off soap box*  Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
Oh wait, I forgot to tell you my regimen...
I wash on Sundays and Wednesdays, but sometimes if I go out or if I've sweated a little too much, I'll make an exception.  I usually DC at least once a week, and I clarify each time I wash.  I also use my ACV rinse every time I wash, which helps with my dry scalp.  Keeping it on a schedule helps me control what goes in it, on it, and around it.  And if something doesn't work, then I know what to do or not to do.  This will also help you see how much its grown, and how healthy its become.  Have a Happy Hair Day!!